good concept
i liked the concept of this game being the rioters and trying to avoide the police while still looting. I think its just not done as well as it could be. I would have liked to have seen bigger more free roam style levels were you could wander around a district in london or anywere else and the police would respond to your actions. Destroy a shop the police would cordon off the area and you'd have to get away in time ect. As i played this game i did notice that levels were very diffrent in difficulty, especiaqlly the second compared with the first, it needs to be a more gradual slide. I do think this game could be improved a lot and be much better. That being said i did like the aspects of the game such as police would be distracted putting out flames on cars.
As too the people voting low because they think its disrepectfull to what actually happend please man up a little. i bet you've played war games were people died and not thought well this is terrible to the people who actually died in the war. It is just a game he is not blaring a massive message on screen saying looting is good. its the internet.